The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Tue, 15-08-2017 01:10:05 EST
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Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Arts
Career Undergraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period One

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ARTS1010 The Life of Words 6
ARTS1030 Forms of Writing: Literature, Genre, Culture 6
ARTS1060 Introduction to Film Studies 6
ARTS1090 Media, Culture and Everyday Life 6
ARTS1120 Experiencing Theatre 6
ARTS1210 Concepts of Asia 6
ARTS1240 Environment and Society 6
ARTS1270 Global History 6
ARTS1360 Introducing Moral, Social and Political Philosophy 6
ARTS1450 Introductory Chinese A for Non-Background Students 6
ARTS1452 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A 6
ARTS1480 Introductory French A 6
ARTS1510 Introductory German A 6
ARTS1540 Introductory Greek A 6
ARTS1570 Introductory Spanish A 6
ARTS1620 Introductory Italian 1 6
ARTS1630 Introductory Japanese A 6
ARTS1660 Introductory Korean A 6
ARTS1690 The Structure of Language 6
ARTS1750 Introduction to Development Studies 6
ARTS1780 Concepts of Europe 6
ARTS1810 Introduction to International Relations 6
ARTS1840 Australian Politics in Global Perspective 6
ARTS1870 Rethinking the Social 6
ARTS2031 Australian Literature 6
ARTS2034 Shakespearean Drama 6
ARTS2036 Modernism: Text and Screen 6
ARTS2037 Reading Women's Writing 6
ARTS2061 Contemporary Approaches to Cinema 6
ARTS2064 A Case Study of Film Genre: Comedian Comedy 6
ARTS2066 Writing for the Screen 6
ARTS2093 Social Media 6
ARTS2121 Theatre and Current Events 6
ARTS2122 Performance Production 6
ARTS2123 Musicals, Dance and Popular Culture 6
ARTS2126 Reviewing the Arts 6
ARTS2150 Modern United States History 6
ARTS2210 Modern India: from British Raj to Bollywood 6
ARTS2211 East Asia 6
ARTS2212 Southeast Asia 6
ARTS2216 Politics and Security in East Asia 6
ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability and Development 6
ARTS2242 The Politics of Climate Change 6
ARTS2270 Australia 1788-1900: The Fatal Shore? 6
ARTS2272 Europe in Turmoil: From Renaissance to Revolutions 6
ARTS2282 Rome 6
ARTS2284 Europe in the Middle Ages 6
ARTS2285 The Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath 6
ARTS2301 Computers, Brains and Minds 6
ARTS2372 Philosophy and Social Critique 6
ARTS2375 Philosophical Logic 6
ARTS2384 Political Philosophy: Utopia, Violence and Free Speech 6
ARTS2450 Intermediate Chinese A for Non-Background Students 6
ARTS2452 Chinese English Translation 6
ARTS2453 Chinese Cinema 6
ARTS2461 Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers A 6
ARTS2464 Chinese Ideas of Beauty and Erotica: Ancient to Modern 6
ARTS2480 Intermediate French A 6
ARTS2485 Exploring French Linguistics 6
ARTS2510 Intermediate German A 6
ARTS2570 Intermediate Spanish A 6
ARTS2630 Intermediate Japanese A 6
ARTS2660 Intermediate Korean A 6
ARTS2690 Semantics and Pragmatics 6
ARTS2692 Syntax 6
ARTS2698 Intercultural Interaction 6
ARTS2750 Modern Latin America: Dependency and Development 6
ARTS2751 International Development 6
ARTS2755 Development in Practice: Humanitarian Action 6
ARTS2785 Europe between the Wars 6
ARTS2788 Religion and Secularism in Modern Europe 6
ARTS2814 Concepts and Debates in International Relations 6
ARTS2815 International Relations in Southeast Asia 6
ARTS2840 Politics of Human Rights in Australia 6
ARTS2846 Multiculturalism in Law & Politics 6
ARTS2850 Constitutions and Revolutions 6
ARTS2871 Power and Powerlessness 6
ARTS2874 Culture and Emotion 6
ARTS2877 Technologies, Culture, Society 6
ARTS2900 Global Feminisms: Competing Visions, Varying Histories 6
ARTS2906 History of Sexuality 6
ARTS2908 Premodern Japan: Status, Sex and Power 6
ARTS3013 Performing Arts Internships 6
ARTS3021 Creative Writing Internship 6
ARTS3022 Narrative: The Art and Science of Storytelling 6
ARTS3025 Advanced Creative Writing 6
ARTS3040 Postcolonial Literatures 6
ARTS3045 Worlds of Crime: Reading Crime Fiction in a Global Context 6
ARTS3047 Contemporary Critical and Cultural Theory 6
ARTS3049 Literary Animals, Monsters and Machines 6
ARTS3052 English Internship 6
ARTS3060 Film in the Media Landscape 6
ARTS3061 Video Project 6
ARTS3062 Aspects of Film History: Cinematic Thinking 6
ARTS3063 Cinemas and Cultures 6
ARTS3067 Film Studies Internship 6
ARTS3091 Advanced Media Issues 6
ARTS3095 BA Media Internship 6
ARTS3097 Current Debates in Media and Culture 6
ARTS3124 Collaborative Performance Making 6
ARTS3125 Multimedia Performance 6
ARTS3132 Based on a True Story: Theatres of the Real 6
ARTS3216 Chinese Media Cultures 6
ARTS3217 History of Modern China: Contested Visions 6
ARTS3241 Environmental Justice 6
ARTS3242 Environmental History 6
ARTS3270 Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone 6
ARTS3289 Documentary Film and History 6
ARTS3292 Migrants and Refugees in Australian History 6
ARTS3330 Languages Capstone: Translation and Interpreting 6
ARTS3372 Contemporary Metaphysics 6
ARTS3375 Hegel: Desire, Freedom and Ethical Life 6
ARTS3450 Advanced Chinese A 6
ARTS3452 Professional Chinese A 6
ARTS3455 Contemporary Chinese Literature 6
ARTS3480 Advanced French A 6
ARTS3482 Professional French A 6
ARTS3486 Approaches to Spoken French 6
ARTS3510 Advanced German A 6
ARTS3570 Advanced Spanish A 6
ARTS3630 Advanced Japanese A 6
ARTS3632 Professional Japanese A 6
ARTS3638 Learning Japanese through Manga and Anime 6
ARTS3640 Japan and Korea: Cultures in Conflict 6
ARTS3660 Advanced Korean A 6
ARTS3664 Korean Translation 6
ARTS3695 Language Ecology and Language Planning 6
ARTS3755 Development in Practice: Project Design 6
ARTS3757 Experiences and Everyday Practices of Development 6
ARTS3780 Contemporary Germany: History, Politics, Society 6
ARTS3783 Great and Emerging Powers in Contemporary World Politics 6
ARTS3812 Theorising International Political Economy 6
ARTS3817 The Middle East and International Law 6
ARTS3819 Emerging Challenges in International Security 6
ARTS3846 Political Actors 6
ARTS3849 Peoples, States and Sovereignty 6
ARTS3871 Forensic Sociology 6
ARTS3872 Media Publics 6
ARTS3875 Researching Culture and Society 6
ARTS3885 Trauma and Violence 6
ARTS3901 Race and Gender 6
ARTS3991 Arts and Social Sciences Capstone 6
ARTS4100 Research Methods and Thesis Writing 6
ARTS4201 Uses of Theory: Honours (Research) 12
ARTS4247 Humanities and Languages Honours Research 1 6
ARTS4248 Humanities and Languages Honours Research 2 12
ARTS4266 Social Sciences: Issues and Debates 6
ARTS4267 Social Sciences: Research and Analysis 12
ARTS4600 Dance Studies Honours 6
ARTS4601 Dance Studies Honours 12
ARTS4602 Dance Studies Honours 18
ARTS4603 Dance Studies Honours 24
ARTS4604 English Honours 6
ARTS4605 English Honours 12
ARTS4606 English Honours 18
ARTS4607 English Honours 24
ARTS4608 Film Studies Honours 6
ARTS4609 Film Studies Honours 12
ARTS4610 Film Studies Honours 18
ARTS4611 Film Studies Honours 24
ARTS4612 Media, Culture and Technology Honours 6
ARTS4613 Media, Culture & Technology Honours 12
ARTS4614 Media, Culture & Technology Honours 18
ARTS4615 Media, Culture and Technology Honours 24
ARTS4616 Theatre and Performance Studies Honours 6
ARTS4617 Theatre & Performance Studies Honours 12
ARTS4618 Theatre & Performance Studies Honours 18
ARTS4619 Theatre and Performance Studies Honours 24
ARTS4620 Creative Writing Honours 6
ARTS4621 Creative Writing Honours 12
ARTS4622 Creative Writing Honours 18
ARTS4623 Creative Writing Honours 24
ARTS4700 Environmental Humanities Honours 6
ARTS4701 Environmental Humanities Honours 12
ARTS4702 Environmental Humanities Honours 18
ARTS4703 Environmental Humanities Honours 24
ARTS4704 History Honours 6
ARTS4705 History Honours 12
ARTS4706 History Honours 18
ARTS4707 History Honours 24
ARTS4712 Philosophy Honours 6
ARTS4713 Philosophy Honours 12
ARTS4714 Philosophy Honours 18
ARTS4715 Philosophy Honours 24
ARTS4810 Asian Studies Honours 6
ARTS4811 Asian Studies Honours 12
ARTS4812 Asian Studies Honours 18
ARTS4813 Asian Studies Honours 24
ARTS4814 Chinese Studies Honours 6
ARTS4815 Chinese Studies Honours 12
ARTS4816 Chinese Studies Honours 18
ARTS4817 Chinese Studies Honours 24
ARTS4818 French Studies Honours 6
ARTS4819 French Studies Honours 12
ARTS4820 French Studies Honours 18
ARTS4821 French Studies Honours 24
ARTS4822 Spanish & Latin American Studies Honours 6
ARTS4823 Spanish & Latin American Studies Honours 12
ARTS4824 Spanish & Latin American Studies Honours 18
ARTS4825 Spanish & Latin American Studies Honours 24
ARTS4826 Japanese Studies Honours 6
ARTS4827 Japanese Studies Honours 12
ARTS4828 Japanese Studies Honours 18
ARTS4829 Japanese Studies Honours 24
ARTS4830 Korean Studies Honours 6
ARTS4831 Korean Studies Honours 12
ARTS4832 Korean Studies Honours 18
ARTS4833 Korean Studies Honours 24
ARTS4834 Linguistics Honours 6
ARTS4835 Linguistics Honours 12
ARTS4836 Linguistics Honours 18
ARTS4837 Linguistics Honours 24
ARTS4838 German Studies Honours 6
ARTS4839 German Studies Honours 12
ARTS4840 German Studies Honours 18
ARTS4841 German Studies Honours 24
ARTS4900 Development Studies Honours 6
ARTS4904 European Studies Honours 6
ARTS4905 European Studies Honours 12
ARTS4906 European Studies Honours 18
ARTS4907 European Studies Honours 24
ARTS4912 International Relations Honours 6
ARTS4916 Politics Honours 6
ARTS4920 Sociology and Anthropology Honours 6
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