The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Fri, 10-08-2018 09:50:01 EST
Data is currently published for 2018 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Law
Career Postgraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period One - B

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
LAWS8030 Cybercrime, Security and Digital Law Enforcement 6
LAWS8063 Concepts and Controversies in Dispute Resolution 6
LAWS8067 International Law, Human Rights and Cultural Heritage 6
LAWS8070 Sustainable Energy Law 6
LAWS8077 Effective Facilitation 6
LAWS8166 Human Rights Fieldwork and Practice 6
LAWS8188 Law of Armed Conflict 6
LAWS8391 International Law of Equality and Discrimination 6
LAWS8413 Indigenous Peoples in International Law 6
LAWS8423 Research Thesis: 6 Units of Credit 6
LAWS8993 International Business Transactions 6
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