The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Fri, 10-08-2018 09:50:01 EST
Data is currently published for 2018 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Public Health and Community Medicine
Career Postgraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Two

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
PHCM9012 Health Promotion and Social Perspectives of Health 6
PHCM9050 Immunisation Policy and Practice 6
PHCM9100 Academic Practice 0
PHCM9103 Independent Study 6 Units of Credit 6
PHCM9108 Program Design and Evaluation 6
PHCM9132 Applied Research Methods for Public Health 6
PHCM9143 Internship 6
PHCM9148 Project 6 Units of Credit 6
PHCM9150 Major Project (18 Units of Credit) 18
PHCM9151 Major Project - Part A (9 Units of Credit) 9
PHCM9152 Major Project - Part B (9 Units of Credit) 9
PHCM9331 Ethics and Law in Public Health 6
PHCM9440 Economic Evaluation in Healthcare 6
PHCM9517 Advanced Biostatistics and statistical computing 6
PHCM9518 Advanced Epidemiology 6
PHCM9606 Reproductive, Maternal and Children's Health 6
PHCM9622 The Global HIV Epidemic: Social Aspects and Impacts 6
PHCM9632 Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan 6
PHCM9662 Health Aspects of Crises, Emergencies and Disasters 6
PHCM9701 Health Leadership and Workforce Management 6
PHCM9731 Outbreak Investigation 6
PHCM9748 Clinical Governance and Risk Management 6
PHCM9761 Public Health Aspects of Mental Health 6
PHCM9781 Evidence-informed Decision-making 6
PHCM9784 Tropical Disease Control 6
PHCM9787 Infection Prevention and Control in the Healthcare Setting 6
PHCM9788 Infectious Diseases Intelligence 6
PHCM9789 Bioterrorism and Health Intelligence 6
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