The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Fri, 10-08-2018 09:50:01 EST.
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Campus Sydney
Career Research
Teaching Period Teaching Period One

Subject Area Listing
Subject Area   Offered by
ACCT Accounting School of Accounting
ACTL Actuarial Studies School of Risk & Actuarial St
AERO Aerospace Engineering School of Mech & Manf. Eng
ARCH Architecture Architectural Studies Program
ATSI Nura Gili (Indigenous Programs) Nura Gili Indigenous Programs
AUST Australian Studies Faculty of Arts & Soc. Science
AVIA Aviation School of Aviation
BIOC Biochemistry Sch Biotech & Biomolecular Sci
BIOM Biomedical Engineering Grad. School of Biomedical Eng
BIOS Biological Science Sch Biol, Earth & Environ Sci
BIOT Biotechnology Sch Biotech & Biomolecular Sci
BLDG Building Faculty of the Built Env
CEIC Chem Eng and Industrial Chemistry School of Chemical Engineering
CHEM Chemistry School of Chemistry
CLIM Climate Science Faculty of Science
COMM Commerce UNSW Business School
CRTV Creative Practice School of the Arts & Media
CVEN Civil and Environmental Engineering School of Civil & Env Eng
ECON Economics School of Economics
EDST Education School of Education
ELEC Electrical Engineering School of Elec Eng & Telco
ENVS Environmental Studies Sch Biol, Earth & Environ Sci
FINS Finance School of Banking & Finance
GEOL Geology Sch Biol, Earth & Environ Sci
GEOS Geoscience Sch Biol, Earth & Environ Sci
GMAT Surveying and Spatial Information Systems School of Civil & Env Eng
GSBE Architecture Architectural Studies Program
GSOE Grad School of Engineering Grad. School of Engineering
HUML Humanities and Languages School Humanities & Languages
INFS Information Systems Sch Info Sys and Tech Mgmt
LAWS Law Faculty of Law
MANF Manufacturing Engineering School of Mech & Manf. Eng
MARK Marketing School of Marketing
MATH Mathematics Sch Mathematics & Statistics
MATS Materials Science and Engineering School of Materials Sci & Eng
MDCN Medicine Faculty of Medicine
MECH Mechanical Engineering School of Mech & Manf. Eng
MGMT Organisation and Management - Commerce & Economics School of Management
MICR Microbiology Sch Biotech & Biomolecular Sci
MINE Mining Engineering School of Mining Engineering
MTRN Mechatronic Engineering School of Mech & Manf. Eng
MUSC Music and Music Education School of the Arts & Media
NCHR HIV Social Research Social Research in Health
OBST Obstetrics and Gynaecology - RHW Sch Women's & Children's Hlth
OPTM Optometry Schl of Optometry & Vision Sci
PHCM Public Health and Community Medicine Sch Public Hlth and Comm Med
PHYS Physics School of Physics
PSYC Psychology School of Psychology
PTRL Petroleum Engineering School of Petroleum Eng
SOSS Social Sciences School of Social Sciences
SPRC Social Policy Faculty of Arts & Soc. Science
SRAP Social Research and Policy School of Social Sciences
STAM Arts and Media School of the Arts & Media
SURG Surgery - PH/POW Clinical School - Prince of Wa
TABL Taxation and Business Law School of Taxation and Bus Law
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