The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Thu, 17-09-2020 01:10:04 EST
Data is currently published for 2020 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus UNSW Canberra at ADFA
Subject Business
Career Postgraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Two - ADFA

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ZBUS8101 Strategic Management 6
ZBUS8102 Organisational Behaviour 6
ZBUS8105 Finance and Investment Appraisal 6
ZBUS8108 Accounting and Financial Management 6
ZBUS8109 Business Law 6
ZBUS8147 The Business of Managing Projects 6
ZBUS8148 Economic World View 6
ZBUS8204 Marketing 6
ZBUS8208 Humanitarian Logistics 6
ZBUS8210 Critical Analysis in Business 6
ZBUS8303 Strategic Procurement and Outsourcing 6
ZBUS8312 Logistics Intelligence and Big Data Analysis 6
ZBUS8313 Risk Management in Logistics 6
ZBUS8314 People and Systems 6
ZBUS8315 Driving Performance 6
ZBUS8316 Developing Organisational Capability 6
ZBUS8318 Cross Cultural Management 6
ZBUS8501 Research Project - Business 6
ZBUS8502 Research Project - Business 12
ZBUS8911 Asset Management 6
ZBUS8913 Leadership, Change and Innovation 6
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