The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Thu, 17-09-2020 01:10:04 EST
Data is currently published for 2020 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Electrical Engineering
Career Undergraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Three

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ELEC1111 Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering 6
ELEC2134 Circuits and Signals 6
ELEC3104 Digital Signal Processing 6
ELEC3111 Distributed Energy Generation 6
ELEC3117 Electrical Engineering Design 6
ELEC3705 Fundamentals of Quantum Engineering 6
ELEC4123 Electrical Design Proficiency 6
ELEC4445 Entrepreneurial Engineering 6
ELEC4602 Microelectronic Design and Technology 6
ELEC4603 Solid State Electronics 6
ELEC4605 Quantum Devices and Computers 6
ELEC4623 Biomedical Instrumentation, Measurement and Design 6
ELEC4632 Computer Control Systems 6
ELEC4951 Research Thesis A 4
ELEC4952 Research Thesis B 4
ELEC4953 Research Thesis C 4
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