The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Wed, 08-09-2021 01:10:06 EST
Data is currently published for 2021 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus UNSW Canberra at ADFA
Subject Engineering & Information Technology
Career Undergraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Two - ADFA

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ZEIT1102 Introduction to Programming 6
ZEIT1110 Computer Games 6
ZEIT1191 Computing and Cyber Security Research 1B 6
ZEIT1206 Design of Electronic Circuits 1 6
ZEIT1291 Electrical Engineering Research 1B 6
ZEIT1501 Engineering Practice and Design 6
ZEIT1503 Engineering Mechanics 6
ZEIT1902 Engineering Research 1B 6
ZEIT2102 Computer Technology 6
ZEIT2104 Computers and Security 6
ZEIT2105 Systems Analysis and Design 6
ZEIT2190 Computing and Cyber Security Research 2 6
ZEIT2209 Principles of Electrical Engineering 6
ZEIT2502 Fundamentals of Flight 6
ZEIT2503 Fluid Mechanics 6
ZEIT2504 Mechanics of Solids 6
ZEIT2601 Soil Mechanics and Engineering Geology 6
ZEIT2602 Hydraulic Engineering 6
ZEIT2700 Mechanics of Machines 6
ZEIT2902 Engineering Research 2B 6
ZEIT3101 IT Project 2 6
ZEIT3112 Special Topic 2 6
ZEIT3121 Securing Networks 6
ZEIT3191 Computing and Cyber Security Research 3B 6
ZEIT3216 Design of Electronic Circuits 3 6
ZEIT3218 Communications Techniques 6
ZEIT3221 Digital Signal Processing and Control 6
ZEIT3404 Simulation 6
ZEIT3500 Engineering Structures 6
ZEIT3504 Aircraft and Systems Design 1 6
ZEIT3505 Flight Dynamics and Aircraft Control 6
ZEIT3506 Managing the Development of Engineered Systems 6
ZEIT3601 Environmental Engineering 6
ZEIT3603 Design of Steel and Timber Structures 6
ZEIT3605 Design of Concrete and Pre stressed Concrete Structures 6
ZEIT3606 Foundation and Pavement Engineering 6
ZEIT3700 Mechanical Design 1 6
ZEIT3701 Heat Transfer and Refrigeration 6
ZEIT3801 Advanced Aviation Safety 6
ZEIT3802 BTech Project and Practical Experience 6
ZEIT3803 Air Traffic Management 6
ZEIT3804 Behavioural Science Project and Practical Experience 6
ZEIT3902 Engineering Research 3B 6
ZEIT4008 Integrated Mechanical Design 6
ZEIT4013 Hypersonics and Advanced Propulsion 6
ZEIT4104 Computer Science Honours Special Topic 4 6
ZEIT4119 Computing and Cyber Security Honours Special Topic 3 6
ZEIT4120 Computing and Cyber Security Honours Special Topic 4 6
ZEIT4216 Occasional Option 2 6
ZEIT4218 Occasional Option 4 6
ZEIT4224 Electrical Power, Machines and Power Electronics 6
ZEIT4226 Digital Image Processing and Target Detection 6
ZEIT4297 Electrical Engineering Project Extension 6
ZEIT4500 Engineering Project A 6
ZEIT4501 Engineering Project B 6
ZEIT4503 Applied Thermodynamics and Propulsion 6
ZEIT4504 Electrical and Mechanical Plant 6
ZEIT4507 Space Situational Awareness 6
ZEIT4601 Civil Design Practice Extension 6
ZEIT4705 Marine Project 6
ZEIT4801 Aviation Honours Special Topic 1 6
ZEIT4802 Aviation Honours Special Topic 2 6
ZEIT4902 Engineering Research 4B 12
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