The University of New South Wales
Class Details
Offering information, including the availability of offerings and timetabling information, is subject to change.
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If there is any inconsistency in the description of activities between the timetable and the Course Outline, the description in the Course Outline applies.
At times it may become necessary to cancel advertised offerings.
Data is correct as at Mon, 11-09-2023 01:03:17 EST

CHEM1011 Chemistry 1A: Atoms, Molecules and Energy
Faculty Faculty of Science School School of Chemistry Go to Online Handbook record
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Campus Sydney Career Undergraduate
This course is scheduled for offering in the following teaching periods for 2023.

Teaching Period Staff Contact Census Date Notes
Dr S Maisey 12-MAR-2023  
Dr S Maisey 25-JUN-2023  
Dr S Maisey 08-OCT-2023  
Go to Class Detail records - TERM ONE
Teaching Period One

Activity Period Class Section Status Enrols/Capacity Day/Start Time
Course Enrolment T1 2458 CR01 Open 0/74
Exam T1 5257 EM01 Open 327/405 Thu 13:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:5,7-10)
Laboratory T1 5258 LB01 Open 26/36 Wed 10:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T1 5259 LB02 Open 31/36 Wed 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T1 5260 LB03 Open 60/80 Wed 10:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T1 5261 LB04 Open 68/80 Wed 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T1 5262 LB05 Open 74/80 Tue 10:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T1 5263 LB06 Open 62/80 Tue 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T1 5273 RPT Full 6/6
Lecture T1 5255 1LC1 Open 174/181 Wed 13:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:1-4,10), Wed 13:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:5,7-9), Thu 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:1-4), Thu 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:5,7-10), Fri 10:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:1-4,10), Fri 10:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:5,7,9,10)
Lecture T1 5256 1LC2 Open 153/250 Wed 13:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:1-4,5,7-9,10), Thu 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:1-4,5,7-10), Fri 10:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:1-4,5,7,9,10)
Tutorial T1 11218 H12A Open 27/38 Thu 12:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 11063 H14A Open 33/40 Thu 14:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 11064 H15A Open 25/40 Thu 15:00 - 16:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 5264 TT01 Open 37/44 Thu 10:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 5265 TT02 Open 40/44 Thu 11:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 5266 TT03 Open 31/38 Thu 12:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 5267 TT04 Open 33/38 Thu 10:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 5268 TT05 Open 30/44 Thu 14:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 5269 TT06 Open 40/44 Thu 15:00 - 16:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 5272 TT09 Open 31/38 Thu 11:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
(* = jointly taught class)
Go to Class Detail records - TERM TWO
Teaching Period Two

Activity Period Class Section Status Enrols/Capacity Day/Start Time
Course Enrolment T2 1481 CR01 Open 0/63
Exam T2 5795 EM01 Open 376/438 Wed 17:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:5,7-10)
Laboratory T2 5796 LB01 Open 66/80 Tue 10:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T2 5797 LB02 Open 52/80 Tue 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T2 5798 LB03 Open 77/80 Wed 10:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T2 5799 LB04 Open 64/80 Wed 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T2 5800 LB05 Open 54/60 Tue 10:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T2 5811 RPT Full 6/5
Laboratory T2 11067 W10A Open 57/60 Wed 10:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Lecture T2 5793 1LC1 Open 162/175 Wed 13:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:1-4), Wed 13:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:5,7-10), Thu 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:1-4), Thu 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:5,7-10), Fri 13:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:1-4), Fri 13:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:5,7-10)
Lecture T2 5794 1LC2 Open 214/300 Wed 13:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:1-4,5,7-10), Thu 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:1-4,5,7-10), Fri 13:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:1-4,5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 11068 H11A Open 43/48 Thu 11:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 5802 TT02 Open 41/46 Fri 10:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 5803 TT03 Open 43/46 Fri 11:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 5804 TT04 Open 45/46 Fri 12:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 5805 TT05 Open 43/46 Thu 14:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 5806 TT06 Open 42/46 Thu 15:00 - 16:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 5808 TT08 Open 41/46 Thu 10:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 5809 TT09 Open 42/46 Thu 11:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 5810 TT10 Open 36/46 Thu 12:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
(* = jointly taught class)
Go to Class Detail records - TERM THREE
Teaching Period Three

Activity Period Class Section Status Enrols/Capacity Day/Start Time
Course Enrolment T3 2036 CR01 Open 69/180
Exam T3 5169 1EM1 Open 0/180 Wed 17:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:5,7-10)
Laboratory T3 5172 LB01 Open 0/60 Fri 10:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T3 5173 LB02 Open 0/60 Fri 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Laboratory T3 5174 LB03 Open 0/60 Thu 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Lecture T3 5170 1LC1 Open 0/90 Tue 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:1-4), Tue 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:5,7-10), Wed 16:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-4), Wed 16:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:5,7-10), Thu 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:1-4), Thu 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:5,7-10)
Lecture T3 5171 1LC2 Open 0/90 Tue 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:1-4,5,7-10), Wed 16:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-4,5,7-10), Thu 09:00 - 10:00 (Weeks:1-4,5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 5175 TT01 Open 0/40 Tue 11:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 5176 TT02 Open 0/40 Tue 12:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 5178 TT04 Open 0/40 Wed 13:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
(* = jointly taught class)

Class Nbr 2458 Section CR01 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Course Enrolment Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/74
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5257 Section EM01 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Exam Status Open Enrols/Capacity 327/405
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 13:00 - 14:00 Sir John Clancy Auditorium (K-C24-G17) 5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5258 Section LB01 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 26/36
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 10:00 - 13:00 F10 June Griffith 165 (K-F10-165) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5259 Section LB02 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 31/36
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 14:00 - 17:00 F10 June Griffith 165 (K-F10-165) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5260 Section LB03 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 60/80
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 10:00 - 13:00 F10 June Griffith 133 (K-F10-133) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5261 Section LB04 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 68/80
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 14:00 - 17:00 F10 June Griffith 133 (K-F10-133) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5262 Section LB05 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 74/80
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 10:00 - 13:00 F10 June Griffith 133 (K-F10-133) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5263 Section LB06 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 62/80
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 14:00 - 17:00 F10 June Griffith 133 (K-F10-133) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5273 Section RPT Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Laboratory Status Full Enrols/Capacity 6/6
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery Online Consent School consent required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
This class is reserved for students who are repeating the course and have been granted exemption from lab classes. (It is NOT an online option.) School consent required for enrolment.
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Class Nbr 5255 Section 1LC1 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Lecture Status Open Enrols/Capacity 174/181
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 13:00 - 14:00 Physics Theatre (K-K14-19) 1-4,10 Dr SA Sulway
Wed 13:00 - 14:00 Physics Theatre (K-K14-19) 5,7-9 Dr RS Haines
Thu 09:00 - 10:00 Ainsworth G03 (K-J17-G03) 1-4 Dr SA Sulway
Thu 09:00 - 10:00 Ainsworth G03 (K-J17-G03) 5,7-10 Dr RS Haines
Fri 10:00 - 11:00 F10 June Griffith M17 (K-F10-M17) 1-4,10 Dr SA Sulway,Dr RS Haines
Fri 10:00 - 11:00 F10 June Griffith M17 (K-F10-M17) 5,7,9,10 Dr SA Sulway,Dr RS Haines
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5256 Section 1LC2 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Lecture Status Open Enrols/Capacity 153/250
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 13:00 - 14:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-4,5,7-9,10
Thu 09:00 - 10:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-4,5,7-10
Fri 10:00 - 11:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-4,5,7,9,10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 11218 Section H12A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 27/38
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 12:00 - 13:00 Blockhouse G16 (K-G6-G16) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 11063 Section H14A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 33/40
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 14:00 - 15:00 Ainsworth 201 (K-J17-201) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 11064 Section H15A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 25/40
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 15:00 - 16:00 Ainsworth 101 (K-J17-101) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5264 Section TT01 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 37/44
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 10:00 - 11:00 Ainsworth 101 (K-J17-101) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5265 Section TT02 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 40/44
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 11:00 - 12:00 Ainsworth 101 (K-J17-101) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5266 Section TT03 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 31/38
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 12:00 - 13:00 Blockhouse G13 (K-G6-G13) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5267 Section TT04 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 33/38
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 10:00 - 11:00 Blockhouse G13 (K-G6-G13) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5268 Section TT05 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 30/44
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 14:00 - 15:00 Electrical Engineering G04 (K-G17-G04) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5269 Section TT06 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 40/44
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 15:00 - 16:00 Electrical Engineering G04 (K-G17-G04) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5272 Section TT09 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 31/38
Offering Period 13/02/2023 - 14/05/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 12/03/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 11:00 - 12:00 Blockhouse G13 (K-G6-G13) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 1481 Section CR01 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Course Enrolment Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/63
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5795 Section EM01 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Exam Status Open Enrols/Capacity 376/438
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 17:00 - 18:00 Keith Burrows Theatre (K-J14-G5) 5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5796 Section LB01 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 66/80
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 10:00 - 13:00 F10 June Griffith 133 (K-F10-133) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5797 Section LB02 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 52/80
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 14:00 - 17:00 F10 June Griffith 133 (K-F10-133) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5798 Section LB03 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 77/80
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 10:00 - 13:00 F10 June Griffith 133 (K-F10-133) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5799 Section LB04 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 64/80
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 14:00 - 17:00 F10 June Griffith 133 (K-F10-133) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5800 Section LB05 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 54/60
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 10:00 - 13:00 F10 June Griffith 162 (K-F10-162) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5811 Section RPT Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Laboratory Status Full Enrols/Capacity 6/5
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent School consent required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
This class is reserved for students who are repeating the course and have been granted exemption from lab classes. (It is NOT an online option.) School consent required for enrolment.
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Class Nbr 11067 Section W10A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 57/60
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 10:00 - 13:00 F10 June Griffith 162 (K-F10-162) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5793 Section 1LC1 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Lecture Status Open Enrols/Capacity 162/175
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 13:00 - 14:00 F10 June Griffith M17 (K-F10-M17) 1-4 Dr JJ Black
Wed 13:00 - 14:00 F10 June Griffith M17 (K-F10-M17) 5,7-10 Dr RS Haines
Thu 09:00 - 10:00 F10 June Griffith M17 (K-F10-M17) 1-4 Dr JJ Black
Thu 09:00 - 10:00 F10 June Griffith M17 (K-F10-M17) 5,7-10 Dr RS Haines
Fri 13:00 - 14:00 F10 June Griffith M17 (K-F10-M17) 1-4 Dr JJ Black
Fri 13:00 - 14:00 F10 June Griffith M17 (K-F10-M17) 5,7-10 Dr RS Haines
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5794 Section 1LC2 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Lecture Status Open Enrols/Capacity 214/300
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 13:00 - 14:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-4,5,7-10
Thu 09:00 - 10:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-4,5,7-10
Fri 13:00 - 14:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-4,5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 11068 Section H11A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/48
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 11:00 - 12:00 Mathews 105 (K-F23-105) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5802 Section TT02 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 41/46
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 10:00 - 11:00 Colombo LG01 (K-B16-LG01) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5803 Section TT03 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/46
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 11:00 - 12:00 Colombo LG01 (K-B16-LG01) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5804 Section TT04 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 45/46
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 12:00 - 13:00 Colombo LG01 (K-B16-LG01) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5805 Section TT05 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/46
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 14:00 - 15:00 Colombo LG01 (K-B16-LG01) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5806 Section TT06 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 42/46
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 15:00 - 16:00 Colombo LG01 (K-B16-LG01) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5808 Section TT08 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 41/46
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 10:00 - 11:00 Colombo LG01 (K-B16-LG01) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5809 Section TT09 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 42/46
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 11:00 - 12:00 Colombo LG01 (K-B16-LG01) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5810 Section TT10 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 36/46
Offering Period 29/05/2023 - 08/09/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 25/06/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 12:00 - 13:00 Colombo LG01 (K-B16-LG01) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 2036 Section CR01 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Course Enrolment Status Open Enrols/Capacity 69/180
Offering Period 11/09/2023 - 10/12/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 08/10/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5169 Section 1EM1 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Exam Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/180
Offering Period 11/09/2023 - 10/12/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 08/10/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 17:00 - 18:00 Keith Burrows Theatre (K-J14-G5) 5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5172 Section LB01 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/60
Offering Period 11/09/2023 - 10/12/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 08/10/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 10:00 - 13:00 F10 June Griffith 133 (K-F10-133) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5173 Section LB02 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/60
Offering Period 11/09/2023 - 10/12/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 08/10/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 14:00 - 17:00 F10 June Griffith 133 (K-F10-133) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5174 Section LB03 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Laboratory Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/60
Offering Period 11/09/2023 - 10/12/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 08/10/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 14:00 - 17:00 F10 June Griffith 133 (K-F10-133) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5170 Section 1LC1 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Lecture Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/90
Offering Period 11/09/2023 - 10/12/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 08/10/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 09:00 - 10:00 F10 June Griffith M10 (K-F10-M10) 1-4 Dr LK McKemmish
Tue 09:00 - 10:00 F10 June Griffith M10 (K-F10-M10) 5,7-10 Prof S Kable
Wed 16:00 - 17:00 F10 June Griffith M11 (K-F10-M11) 1-4 Dr LK McKemmish
Wed 16:00 - 17:00 F10 June Griffith M11 (K-F10-M11) 5,7-10 Prof S Kable
Thu 09:00 - 10:00 F10 June Griffith M11 (K-F10-M11) 1-4 Dr LK McKemmish
Thu 09:00 - 10:00 F10 June Griffith M11 (K-F10-M11) 5,7-10 Prof S Kable
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5171 Section 1LC2 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Lecture Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/90
Offering Period 11/09/2023 - 10/12/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 08/10/2023
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 09:00 - 10:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-4,5,7-10
Wed 16:00 - 17:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-4,5,7-10
Thu 09:00 - 10:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-4,5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5175 Section TT01 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/40
Offering Period 11/09/2023 - 10/12/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 08/10/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 11:00 - 12:00 Electrical Engineering G09 (K-G17-G09) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5176 Section TT02 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/40
Offering Period 11/09/2023 - 10/12/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 08/10/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 12:00 - 13:00 Electrical Engineering G09 (K-G17-G09) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 5178 Section TT04 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/40
Offering Period 11/09/2023 - 10/12/2023 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 08/10/2023
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 13:00 - 14:00 Law Building 163 (K-F8-163) 1-5,7-10
Class Notes
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