The University of New South Wales
Class search by Subject Area

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Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses Research Courses
Campus Sydney
Subject Area BE Interdisciplinary Learning

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
BEIL0001 Graphic Design for the Built Environment 6
BEIL0005 People, Place and Design 6
BEIL0008 Design Project Management - Vision to Reality 6
BEIL0009 Exhibition Design: Transforming Temporary Space 6
BEIL0010 Creating Value for Built Environment Clients 6
BEIL0011 Healthy Planning 6
BEIL0014 Digital Making 6
BEIL0015 Digital Design Foundations 6
BEIL6002 Urban and Regional Design 6
BEIL6003 Cinematic Space 6
BEIL6005 Researching Art, Architecture and Design 6
BEIL6007 International Study Tour 6
BEIL6010 Sydney Urban Lab 6
BEIL6011 Street Life Studies: Cambodia 6
BEIL6013 BE Nomad 6
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Campus Sydney
Subject Area BE Interdisciplinary Learning

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
BEIL6002 Urban and Regional Design 6
BEIL6003 Cinematic Space 6
BEIL6005 Researching Art, Architecture and Design 6
BEIL6007 International Study Tour 6
BEIL6010 Sydney Urban Lab 6
BEIL6011 Street Life Studies: Cambodia 6
BEIL6013 BE Nomad 6
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