The University of New South Wales
Class search by Subject Area

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Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses Research Courses
Campus Sydney
Subject Area Information Systems

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
INFS1602 Digital Transformation in Business 6
INFS1603 Introduction to Business Databases 6
INFS1701 Introduction to Networking and Security 6
INFS2101 Industry Placement 1 12
INFS2602 Managing Information Systems 6
INFS2603 Business Analysis and Agile Product Management 6
INFS2604 Artificial Intelligence Fluency 6
INFS2608 Database Management & Big Data Infrastructures 6
INFS2609 Coding for Business 6
INFS2631 Innovation and Technology Management 6
INFS2701 Managing Cybersecurity in the Digital Age 6
INFS2702 Supply Chain and Logistics Design 6
INFS2822 Programming for Data Analytics 6
INFS3020 Information Systems and Technology International Study Tour 6
INFS3202 Industry Placement 2 6
INFS3303 Industry Placement 3 6
INFS3603 Introduction to Business Analytics 6
INFS3604 Business Process Management 6
INFS3605 Information Systems Innovation and Transformation 6
INFS3634 Mobile Ecosystems and Applications Development 6
INFS3700 User Experience and IT Service Design 6
INFS3701 Enterprise Architecture for Scalable Cloud Solutions 6
INFS3703 Information Systems Project Management 6
INFS3822 Artificial Intelligence for Business Analytics 6
INFS3830 Social Media Analytics 6
INFS3873 Business Analytics Methods 6
INFS4777 Web3 and Blockchain Applications 6
INFS4800 Thesis A 6
INFS4801 Thesis B 6
INFS4802 Thesis C 12
INFS4831 Information Systems Consulting 6
INFS4854 Information Systems Strategy and Management 6
INFS4886 Principles of Research Design 6
INFS4887 Business Research Methods 6
INFS4929 Cybersecurity Leadership and Risk Management 6
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Campus Sydney
Subject Area Information Systems

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
INFS5602 Digital Capabilities for Business 6
INFS5603 Business Analysis and Agile Product Management 6
INFS5604 Business Process Management 6
INFS5700 Introduction to Business Analytics 6
INFS5705 Artificial Intelligence for Business Analytics in Practice 6
INFS5710 Information Technology Infrastructure for Business Analytics 6
INFS5720 Business Analytics Methods 6
INFS5730 Social Media Analytics in Practice 6
INFS5731 Information Systems Strategy and Management 6
INFS5777 Web3 and Blockchain Applications 6
INFS5831 Information Systems Consulting 6
INFS5848 Fundamentals of Information Systems and Technology Project Management 6
INFS5871 Supply Chains and Logistics Design 6
INFS5885 Business in the Digital Age 6
INFS5907 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity for Business 6
INFS5917 Managing Cloud and Network Security 6
INFS5922 Contemporary Practices in Cybersecurity Management 6
INFS5929 Cybersecurity Leadership and Risk Management 6
INFS5959 Cybersecurity Analytics 6
INFS5978 Accounting Information Systems 6
INFS5987 Theoretical Foundations of Information Systems 6
INFS5993 Special Topic in Information Systems and Technology Management 6
INFS5997 Digital Business and Applied Analytics Practicum 6
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Campus Sydney
Subject Area Information Systems

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
INFS5000 Full-Time Research Information Systems 12
INFS5001 Part-Time Research Information Systems 6
INFS5994 F/T Masters Research Thesis Information Systems 12
INFS6001 Part-Time Masters Research Thesis Information Systems 6
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