The University of New South Wales
Class search by Subject Area

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Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses Research Courses
Campus Sydney
Subject Area Law

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
LAWS1021 Crime and the Criminal Process 6
LAWS1022 Criminal Laws 6
LAWS1052 Introducing Law and Justice 6
LAWS1055 Legal Research and Writing 0
LAWS1061 Torts 6
LAWS1075 Contracts 6
LAWS1091 Business Associations 6
LAWS1141 Principles of Public Law 6
LAWS1150 Principles of Private Law 6
LAWS1160 Administrative Law 6
LAWS1213 Foundations Enrichment 1 3
LAWS1214 Foundations Enrichment 2 3
LAWS1230 Lawyers, Ethics and Justice 6
LAWS2150 Federal Constitutional Law 6
LAWS2270 Law in the Global Context 6
LAWS2277 Transitional Module: LRW - Australian Law 0
LAWS2320 Legal Theory 6
LAWS2326 Theories of Law and Justice 6
LAWS2351 Court Process, Evidence and Proof 6
LAWS2371 Resolving Civil Disputes 6
LAWS2383 Land Law 6
LAWS2384 Legal Experimentalism 6
LAWS2385 Equity and Trusts 6
LAWS2820 Law and Social Theory 6
LAWS3014 Insolvency Law 6
LAWS3017 The Politics of Human Rights: Theory and Critique 6
LAWS3018 Commercial Law 6
LAWS3021 Foundations of Intellectual Property Law 6
LAWS3022 Competition Law 6
LAWS3023 Commercial and Charitable Trusts 6
LAWS3025 Advanced Contract Law 6
LAWS3028 Employment Law 6
LAWS3040 Regulation for Cyber Security 6
LAWS3046 Intellectual Property 1: Copyright and Designs 6
LAWS3064 UNSW Law Journal (Executive Editor) 6
LAWS3065 UNSW Law Journal Editor 6
LAWS3067 International Criminal Law 6
LAWS3080 Insurance in Australia 6
LAWS3084 International Trade Law: The Law and Policy of the WTO 6
LAWS3086 International Law Competitive Moot 6
LAWS3087 US Legal Systems (Berkeley) 6
LAWS3102 Advanced Criminal Law 6
LAWS3110 Comparative Constitutional Law 6
LAWS3123 Chinese Legal System (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) 6
LAWS3133 Law of Banking 6
LAWS3135 Conveyancing 6
LAWS3137 Australian Consumer Law 6
LAWS3139 Law and Society in Asia 6
LAWS3144 Animal Law 6
LAWS3149 Theories of Law and Biology 6
LAWS3170 The Essential Advocate:An Intro to Advocacy 6
LAWS3181 International Humanitarian Law 6
LAWS3182 International Human Rights Law and Advocacy 6
LAWS3183 Australian Journal of Human Rights 6
LAWS3185 Public Interest Litigation: Origins and Strategies 6
LAWS3187 Forced Migration and Human Rights in International Law 6
LAWS3198 Sentencing and Criminal Justice 6
LAWS3211 Indigenous People and the Law 6
LAWS3216 Food Law 6
LAWS3221 Media Law: General Principles 6
LAWS3240 Kingsford Legal Centre Family Law Community Education Clinic (Non-Intensive) 6
LAWS3248 Intellectual Property 2: Trade Marks and Patents 6
LAWS3250 Data Privacy Law 6
LAWS3272 Australian Immigration Law and Practice 6
LAWS3276 Sir Anthony Mason Research Project in Constitutional Law 6
LAWS3281 Advanced Statutory Interpretation 6
LAWS3282 Advanced Administrative Law 6
LAWS3292 The High Court of Australia 6
LAWS3302 Land and Environment Court Clinic 6
LAWS3303 Kingsford Legal Centre Community Law Clinic (Intensive) 12
LAWS3304 Kingsford Legal Centre Community Law Clinic (Non-intensive) 6
LAWS3305 Kingsford Legal Centre Employment Law Clinic (Intensive) 12
LAWS3314 Alternative Dispute Resolution in Practice 6
LAWS3319 Police Powers Clinic 6
LAWS3321 Introduction to the Australian Legal System 6
LAWS3326 Theories of Law and Justice 6
LAWS3327 Law Schools Global League Summer School 12
LAWS3331 Legal Theory 6
LAWS3332 Law and Social Theory 6
LAWS3345 CIBEL Elective (Tsinghua) 6
LAWS3346 Law and Technology: Comparative Perspectives (UNSW/UZH) 6
LAWS3350 Sport, Law and Society in Australia 6
LAWS3351 Managers, Media, Players and Spectators 6
LAWS3352 International Relations and Sport 6
LAWS3361 Environmental Law 6
LAWS3362 Understanding Human Rights 6
LAWS3368 The Australian Legal System in Comparative Perspective 6
LAWS3381 Public International Law 6
LAWS3382 Conflict of Laws 6
LAWS3384 Legal Experimentalism 6
LAWS3391 Family Law 6
LAWS3392 Children and the Law 6
LAWS3393 Succession 6
LAWS3396 Family Law Advocacy and Practice 6
LAWS3401 Health and Medical Law 6
LAWS3412 Discrimination and the Law 6
LAWS3413 Housing Law 6
LAWS3423 Research Thesis 6
LAWS3427 Drug Law and Policy 6
LAWS3434 Research Thesis: Extended 6
LAWS3441 Law Journal (Issue Editor) 6
LAWS3442 The Will of the People 6
LAWS3445 Women and Gender Law ILS Pune 6
LAWS3501 Law, Gender and Sexuality 6
LAWS3510 International Commercial Mediation Competition 6
LAWS3533 Big Tech, AI and the Law 6
LAWS3541 Pacific Islands Laws (USP) 6
LAWS3555 UNSW Law Internships 6
LAWS3589 Class Actions and Mega-Litigation 6
LAWS3670 Transnational Legal Studies A 12
LAWS3671 Transnational Legal Studies B 12
LAWS3713 Indigenous Peoples in International Law 6
LAWS3751 Business Taxation 6
LAWS3777 Law Internships: Extended 6
LAWS3812 Sport and the Law 6
LAWS3901 Honours Research Thesis 6
LAWS9801 Aspects of Environmental Policy and Law 6
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Campus Sydney
Subject Area Law

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
LAWS8001 Law, Gender and Sexuality 6
LAWS8014 Defamation and the Media 6
LAWS8017 Intellectual Property Law 6
LAWS8021 Advanced Topics in Intellectual Property 6
LAWS8023 Commercial Contracts: Problems of Performance, Breach and Termination 6
LAWS8028 Corporate Governance 6
LAWS8030 Cybercrime, Information Security and Digital Enforcement 6
LAWS8038 Chinese Corporate and Securities Law 6
LAWS8040 Online Content Regulation 6
LAWS8044 Electronic Commerce Law 6
LAWS8050 Globalisation and Intellectual Property Law 6
LAWS8052 Human Rights Internship Program 6
LAWS8054 Media and Communications Industry Regulation 6
LAWS8058 Exploring Workplace Conflict and Managing Disputes 6
LAWS8064 Regulation, Litigation and Enforcement 6
LAWS8066 Climate Law 6
LAWS8067 International Law, Human Rights and Cultural Heritage 6
LAWS8068 Law and Policy for Sustainable Development 6
LAWS8069 Natural Resources Law 6
LAWS8071 Development and Planning Law 6
LAWS8075 Gender, Race and Justice 6
LAWS8076 Current Issues in Criminal Justice 6
LAWS8078 Mediation in Practice 6
LAWS8079 International Investment Law 6
LAWS8080 Insurance Law 6
LAWS8082 Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes 6
LAWS8085 International Organisations 6
LAWS8086 Law of the Sea 6
LAWS8087 International Law and the Use of Force 6
LAWS8092 Securities and Financial Markets Regulation 6
LAWS8095 Corporate Insolvency 6
LAWS8099 Funds Management, Superannuation and Insurance 6
LAWS8104 International Children's Rights Law 6
LAWS8105 Juvenile Justice 6
LAWS8135 Chinese Legal System (SJTU) 6
LAWS8139 Law and the Culture Industries 6
LAWS8141 Censorship, Contempt and the Media 6
LAWS8150 Foundations of Private Law 6
LAWS8165 Skills in Dispute Management 6
LAWS8168 The Australian Legal System in Comparative Perspective 6
LAWS8173 UNSW Law Postgraduate Internships 6
LAWS8180 Principles of International Law 6
LAWS8181 International Human Rights 6
LAWS8182 Global Governance and Social Justice 6
LAWS8183 International Commercial Arbitration 6
LAWS8185 Law, Urban Sustainability and the New Economy 6
LAWS8190 International Refugee Law 6
LAWS8193 State Crime, the Law and Civil Society 6
LAWS8197 Law Schools Global League Summer School 12
LAWS8203 Global Issues in Competition Law and Policy 6
LAWS8213 Legal Concepts, Research and Writing 6
LAWS8214 Global Common Law Systems 6
LAWS8220 International Financial Law 6
LAWS8224 Company and Business Structures 6
LAWS8225 Dispute Resolution in China 6
LAWS8241 Pacific Islands Laws (USP) 6
LAWS8256 Transforming Environmental Law: Exploring Legal Rights of Nature 6
LAWS8294 The Inhouse Counsel ¿ Law, Skills and Practice 6
LAWS8319 International Environmental Law 6
LAWS8328 Migration and Citizenship Law 6
LAWS8345 CIBEL Elective (Tsinghua) 6
LAWS8346 Law and Technology: Comparative Perspectives (UNSW/UZH) 6
LAWS8365 Intro to Chinese Regulation of Int'l Business 6
LAWS8391 International Law of Equality and Discrimination 6
LAWS8413 Indigenous Peoples in International Law 6
LAWS8422 Research Thesis: Extended 6
LAWS8423 Research Thesis: 6 Units of Credit 6
LAWS8491 Family Law 6
LAWS8534 Online Dispute Resolution 6
LAWS8845 Women and Gender Law ILS Pune 6
LAWS8980 Principled (Interest Based) Negotiation 6
LAWS8989 World Trade Law: Contemporary Issues and Concerns 6
LAWS8991 International Criminal Law 6
LAWS8993 International Business Transactions 6
LAWS9800 Law for Psychologists 1 6
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Campus Sydney
Subject Area Law

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
LAWS0001 Research Thesis Law Full-Time 12
LAWS0002 Research Thesis Law Part-Time 6
LAWS0007 Introduction to Higher Degree Research in LAW 0
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