The University of New South Wales
Class search by Subject Area

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Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses Research Courses
Campus Sydney
Subject Area Social Sciences

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
SOSS1000 Policy and Society 6
SOSS1001 Social Research and Society 6
SOSS2001 Qualitative Social Research 6
SOSS2002 Quantitative Social Research 6
SOSS2005 Politics and Policy 6
SOSS2008 Leadership and Work-Based Learning 6
SOSS2822 Decolonising Research Methods 6
SOSS3003 Policy Analysis 6
SOSS3006 Social Sciences in the Workplace 6
SOSS3007 Evidence for Policy Making 6
SOSS3008 Globalisation and Policy Making 6
SOSS3822 Decolonising Methods for Criminal Justice 6
SOSS4051 Social Science Honours 6
SOSS4052 Social Science Honours 12
SOSS4053 Social Science Honours 18
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Campus Sydney
Subject Area Social Sciences

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
SOSS9000 PhD Thesis Social Sciences Full Time 12
SOSS9050 PhD Thesis Social Sciences Part Time 6
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