The University of New South Wales
Class search by Subject Area

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Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses Research Courses
Campus Sydney
Subject Area Taxation and Business Law

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
TABL2710 Business and the Law 6
TABL2741 Business Entities 6
TABL2751 Business Taxation 6
TABL2756 International Tax 6
TABL2793 People and the Environmental Challenge 6
TABL3033 UNSW Tax and Business Advisory Clinic 6
TABL3755 Advanced Tax Law 6
TABL3757 Corporate Tax Strategy 6
TABL3766 Tax Analytics 6
TABL4600 Thesis A 6
TABL4601 Thesis B 6
TABL4602 Thesis C 12
TABL4722 Special Topic in Taxation 6
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Campus Sydney
Subject Area Taxation and Business Law

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
TABL5501 Taxation of Commercial Transactions 6
TABL5503 Advanced Corporate Tax 6
TABL5505 Advanced Taxation of Trusts 6
TABL5509 Tax Controversy 6
TABL5510 Taxation and Regulation of Superannuation 6
TABL5511 Legal Foundations of Business 6
TABL5523 GST and Indirect Taxes 6
TABL5537 Tax Treaties and Multilateral Obligations 6
TABL5543 Business and Company Law 6
TABL5544 Comparative Tax Systems 6
TABL5551 Taxation Law 6
TABL5559 Australian Taxation Law 6
TABL5575 Tax Policy 6
TABL5580 Contemporary Issues in Taxation 6
TABL5582 Taxation of Commercial Structures 6
TABL5583 International Business Taxation 6
TABL5585 Special Topic in Taxation 6
TABL5805 Research Methods in Taxation and Business Law 6
TABL5933 UNSW Tax and Business Advisory Clinic 6
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Campus Sydney
Subject Area Taxation and Business Law

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
TABL5810 Dissertation Proposal 6
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