The University of New South Wales
Class search by Subject Area

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Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses Research Courses
Campus UNSW Canberra at ADFA
Subject Area Humanities & Social Sciences

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ZHSS1101 English and Media Studies 1A: Culture and Communication 6
ZHSS1102 English and Media Studies 1B: Cultures of Conflict 6
ZHSS1201 History 1A: A History of Warfare 6
ZHSS1202 History 1B: A History of Warfare 6
ZHSS1301 Indonesian 1A 6
ZHSS1302 Indonesian 1B 6
ZHSS1303 Indonesian 1C 6
ZHSS1304 Indonesian 1D 6
ZHSS1401 International and Political Studies 1A: Ideals, Interests and Power 6
ZHSS1402 International and Political Studies 1B: World Politics 6
ZHSS2120 Heroism, Banditry and Manhood in Popular Culture 6
ZHSS2224 The Road to Ruin? Germany 1700-1933 6
ZHSS2230 Contemporary African History 6
ZHSS2238 Australian History: An Unconventional Story 6
ZHSS2301 Indonesian 2A 6
ZHSS2302 Indonesian 2B 6
ZHSS2303 Indonesian 2C 6
ZHSS2304 Indonesian 2D 6
ZHSS2425 The Theory and Application of Land Power 6
ZHSS2427 Politics of the Great Powers 6
ZHSS2506 Development Policy & Social Contexts in Indonesia 6
ZHSS2601 Introductory Business Ethics 6
ZHSS3121 Classic Literary Texts 6
ZHSS3138 War Literature and Film 6
ZHSS3140 Literatures of the World 6
ZHSS3202 Preliminary Honours History: Methodology, Research and Writing 6
ZHSS3212 Australian Military History 1788 to the Present 6
ZHSS3238 Winners and Losers in World Economic History 6
ZHSS3240 Uses and Abuses of History 6
ZHSS3241 Secrets and Spies: Intelligence Activities Throughout History 6
ZHSS3301 Indonesian 3A 6
ZHSS3302 Indonesian 3B 6
ZHSS3418 Complex Peacekeeping Operations 6
ZHSS3427 National Military Power and Joint Warfare 6
ZHSS3437 Politics of the USA 6
ZHSS3502 Civil-State-Military Relations in Indonesia 6
ZHSS3750 Building the Fleet: History, Politics and Naval Technology 6
ZHSS3901 Humanities & Social Sciences Research Project 2 6
ZHSS3902 Humanities & Social Sciences Research Project 3 6
ZHSS4001 Arts Honours Research 1 6
ZHSS4002 Arts Honours Research 2 24
ZHSS4003 Arts Honours Special Topic 1 9
ZHSS4004 Arts Honours Special Topic 2 9
ZHSS4005 History Honours Research 1 15
ZHSS4006 History Honours Research 2 15
ZHSS4007 Historiography Honours 9
ZHSS4008 History Honours Special Topic 9
ZHSS4009 International and Political Studies Honours Special Topic 9
ZHSS4010 English and Media Studies Honours Special Topic 9
ZHSS4011 Indonesian Studies Special Topic 9
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Campus UNSW Canberra at ADFA
Subject Area Humanities & Social Sciences

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ZHSS8127 Foundations of Information Warfare 6
ZHSS8201 Contemporary Warfare 6
ZHSS8203 Foundations of Modern Strategy 6
ZHSS8204 Modern Naval History and Strategy 6
ZHSS8210 Genocide: Perception and Intervention 6
ZHSS8220 Fighting the Second World War 6
ZHSS8231 The History of Special Operations 6
ZHSS8401 Research Thesis A 6
ZHSS8402 Research Thesis B 6
ZHSS8403 Global Security 6
ZHSS8409 Asia-Pacific Security: The Dynamics of Change 6
ZHSS8410 Australian Defence Policy: Concepts and Challenges 6
ZHSS8430 China's Security Policy and Military Modernisation 6
ZHSS8441 Cyber-Security and World Politics 6
ZHSS8453 Culture and Conflict 6
ZHSS8455 Australian Cyber Diplomacy 6
ZHSS8456 Australia and Cyber War 6
ZHSS8458 Cyber Policy in China 6
ZHSS8459 Special Operations: Theory and Strategic Utility 6
ZHSS8460 Power and Australian Government Policy 6
ZHSS8461 GRIM Threats (Guerrilla, Revolutionary, Insurgent and Militia) and Irregular Warfare 6
ZHSS8462 Ethics in Special, Complex and Irregular Military Operations 6
ZHSS8463 International Law in Global Politics 6
ZHSS8504 Space Cooperation, Conflict and Competition 6
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Campus UNSW Canberra at ADFA
Subject Area Humanities & Social Sciences

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ZHSS8998 Public Leadership Dissertation (F/T) 12
ZHSS8999 Public Leadership Dissertation (P/T) 6
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