The University of New South Wales
Class search by Subject Area

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Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses Research Courses
Postgraduate (Online)
Campus Sydney
Subject Area Business Accelerated

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ZZBU5611 Strategic Decision Making 6
ZZBU6001 Managing Yourself and Others 6
ZZBU6002 Financial Management 6
ZZBU6003 Business Economics 6
ZZBU6004 Foundations of Marketing 6
ZZBU6005 Law, Regulation and Ethics 6
ZZBU6006 Strategies for Disruption 6
ZZBU6007 Career Navigator 6
ZZBU6008 Strategic Consulting Project 6
ZZBU6101 Managing with Digital Technology 6
ZZBU6103 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 6
ZZBU6401 Human Resource Policies and Practices 6
ZZBU6402 Employee Wellbeing and Engagement 6
ZZBU6403 Sustainability and Human Resources 6
ZZBU6404 Human Resources Analytics 6
ZZBU6405 Attracting, Evaluating and Retaining Talent 6
ZZBU6406 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 6
ZZBU6407 Human Resource Information Systems 6
ZZBU6408 Managing Pay and Performance 6
ZZBU6409 Change Management 6
ZZBU6410 Human Resource Strategies 6
ZZBU6411 Organisational Development 6
ZZBU6412 Managing People and Organisations 6
ZZBU6413 Leadership Development 6
ZZBU6414 Introduction to Employment Law 6
ZZBU6501 Introductory Data Analysis 6
ZZBU6502 Analytics and Business 6
ZZBU6503 Managing People, Analytics and Change 6
ZZBU6505 Data and Ethics 6
ZZBU6507 Data Visualisation and Communication 6
ZZBU6508 Analytics and Consulting 6
ZZBU6509 Financial Modelling 6
ZZBU6511 Predictive Analytics 6
ZZBU6512 Foundations of Marketing Analytics 6
ZZBU6513 Social Media and Digital Analytics 6
ZZBU6514 Managing Customer Analytics 6
ZZBU6515 Marketing Analytics Capstone 6
ZZBU6516 Database Management 6
ZZBU6601 General Analytics Capstone 6
ZZBU8501 FinTech Ecosystem and Industry Insights 6
ZZBU8502 Decentralised Finance 6
ZZBU8503 RegTech Applications for Banking and Finance 6
ZZBU8504 Technical Tools for FinTech 6
ZZBU8505 Problem-Solving Methods for FinTech 6
ZZBU8506 Data Management for FinTech 6
ZZBU8507 Robo-Advisory and Portfolio Optimisation 6
ZZBU8508 Tech Disruption in Payments and Transfers 6
ZZBU8509 Tech Disruption in Funding and Lending 6
ZZBU8510 InsurTech Applications 6
ZZBU8601 Managing a FinTech Startup 6
ZZBU8701 Portfolio Management 6
ZZBU8702 Corporate Finance 6
ZZBU8703 International Finance 6
ZZBU8704 Private Equity and Venture Capital 6
ZZBU8705 Equity Valuation 6
ZZBU8706 Fixed Income 6
ZZBU8707 Derivatives 6
ZZBU8708 Ethics and Professional Standards 6
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