The University of New South Wales
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Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses Research Courses
Campus Sydney
Subject Area Arts

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ARTS1009 Creative Writing 6
ARTS1010 The Life of Words 6
ARTS1011 Inventing the Self: Creative Writing in the Digital Age 6
ARTS1030 The Literary Imagination: Introduction to English 6
ARTS1031 Reading Through Time 6
ARTS1032 The Literature Laboratory: Writing Beyond Limits 6
ARTS1060 Introduction to Film Studies 6
ARTS1062 Hollywood Film: Industry, Technology, Aesthetics 6
ARTS1064 Screen Production I 6
ARTS1120 Experiencing Theatre 6
ARTS1121 Performance and Popular Culture 6
ARTS1122 Creativity 6
ARTS1190 Sydney: History, Landscapes, People 6
ARTS1210 Concepts of Asia 6
ARTS1211 Australia's Asian Context 6
ARTS1240 Environment and Society 6
ARTS1241 Environmental Advocacy and Activism 6
ARTS1250 Human Geography: Society, Space and Territory 6
ARTS1270 Global History: Exploring the First Globalization, 15th-19th Century 6
ARTS1271 History of the Present: The World since 1900 6
ARTS1360 Truth and Human Existence: Introduction to Philosophy 6
ARTS1361 Mind, Ethics, and Freedom: Introduction to Philosophy 6
ARTS1362 Critical Thinking for Today's World 6
ARTS1450 Chinese 1 for Non-Background Speakers 6
ARTS1451 Chinese 2 for Non-Background Speakers 6
ARTS1452 Chinese 1 for Background Speakers 6
ARTS1453 Chinese 2 for Background Speakers 6
ARTS1480 French 1 6
ARTS1481 French 2 6
ARTS1510 German 1 6
ARTS1511 German 2 6
ARTS1540 Modern Greek 1 6
ARTS1541 Modern Greek 2 6
ARTS1570 Spanish 1 6
ARTS1571 Spanish 2 6
ARTS1630 Japanese 1 6
ARTS1631 Japanese 2 6
ARTS1660 Korean 1 6
ARTS1661 Korean 2 6
ARTS1690 The Structure of Language 6
ARTS1691 The Use of Language 6
ARTS1750 Introduction to Global Development 6
ARTS1753 Culture, Experience and Change 6
ARTS1780 Concepts of Europe 6
ARTS1782 Contemporary Europe in Crisis: Power and Culture 6
ARTS1810 Foundations of Politics and International Relations 6
ARTS1811 Contemporary Issues in Government and Global Politics 6
ARTS1846 Politics, Peace and Prosperity 6
ARTS1870 Rethinking the Social 6
ARTS1900 Gendered Worlds: Introduction to Gender Studies 6
ARTS2019 Writing Short Stories 6
ARTS2020 Creative Writing 6
ARTS2021 Creative Writing Project 6
ARTS2022 Writing, Publishing, and Literary Culture 6
ARTS2031 Australian Literature 6
ARTS2033 Poetry and Poetics 6
ARTS2034 Shakespearean Drama 6
ARTS2035 American Literature: Past and Present 6
ARTS2036 Queer Modernisms 6
ARTS2040 Global Literature Now: Reading the Literary Present 6
ARTS2042 The Business of Literature 6
ARTS2050 Academic Writing for the Humanities 6
ARTS2061 Contemporary Approaches to Cinema 6
ARTS2062 Australian Cinema 6
ARTS2063 Cinema and Nation 6
ARTS2064 A Case Study of Film Genre 6
ARTS2065 Screen Production II 6
ARTS2066 Writing for the Screen 6
ARTS2068 Doing Film Festivals 6
ARTS2105 Happiness and Philosophy 6
ARTS2110 Love, Friendship, and Philosophy 6
ARTS2115 Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence 6
ARTS2120 Writing for Performance 6
ARTS2121 Theatre in Our Times 6
ARTS2122 Performance Production 6
ARTS2125 Acting and Performing 6
ARTS2126 Reviewing the Arts 6
ARTS2127 Great Plays 6
ARTS2150 A House Divided: The Making of Modern America 6
ARTS2211 East Asia 6
ARTS2212 Southeast Asia 6
ARTS2213 Asian Popular Culture 6
ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability and Development 6
ARTS2242 The Politics of Climate Change 6
ARTS2243 Waste and Society 6
ARTS2244 The Animal: Worker, Wild, Extinct? 6
ARTS2248 Disasters and Society 6
ARTS2249 Environmental Philosophy 6
ARTS2271 Inventing Modern Australia: 1900 to Now 6
ARTS2272 The European World, 1500-1800 6
ARTS2281 Ancient Egypt and Western Asia 6
ARTS2282 Rome 6
ARTS2283 Classical Greece 6
ARTS2285 The Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath 6
ARTS2289 From Rasputin to Putin: History of Modern Russia 6
ARTS2360 Knowledge and Reality 6
ARTS2362 Alienation and Social Critique 6
ARTS2363 Chinese Philosophy 6
ARTS2367 Thinking Through Art 6
ARTS2374 Ways of Reasoning 6
ARTS2375 Philosophical Logic 6
ARTS2383 Ethics: Theory and Practice 6
ARTS2384 Political Philosophy 6
ARTS2389 Philosophy as a Way of Life 6
ARTS2390 The Making of the Modern Middle East 6
ARTS2450 Chinese 3 for Non-Background Speakers 6
ARTS2451 Chinese 4 for Non-Background Speakers 6
ARTS2453 Chinese Cinema 6
ARTS2455 Gender in China 6
ARTS2457 China Imagined and Perceived 6
ARTS2458 Along the Silk Road: Conquerors, Traders and Explorers 6
ARTS2461 Chinese 3 for Background Speakers 6
ARTS2462 Chinese 4 for Background Speakers 6
ARTS2464 Chinese Ideas of Beauty and Erotica: Ancient to Modern 6
ARTS2469 Islam in Asia and the Pacific 6
ARTS2480 French 3 6
ARTS2481 French 4 6
ARTS2482 French Cinema and Society 6
ARTS2485 Exploring French Linguistics 6
ARTS2486 The French Speaking World 6
ARTS2488 French Food and Society 6
ARTS2510 German 3 6
ARTS2511 German 4 6
ARTS2542 Gods, Heroines and Heroes in Greek Myth 6
ARTS2570 Spanish 3 6
ARTS2571 Spanish 4 6
ARTS2630 Japanese 3 6
ARTS2631 Japanese 4 6
ARTS2633 A Cultural Survey of Japan: From Gods to Gadgets 6
ARTS2660 Korean 3 6
ARTS2661 Korean 4 6
ARTS2662 Korea at a Glance 6
ARTS2690 Language and Meaning 6
ARTS2692 Syntax 6
ARTS2693 Psycholinguistics 6
ARTS2694 Phonology: Theory and Description 6
ARTS2696 The Grammar of English 6
ARTS2698 The Social Life of Language 6
ARTS2751 International Development 6
ARTS2752 Local Politics of Humanitarian and Development Action 6
ARTS2754 Research for Impact in Global Development 6
ARTS2755 Inclusive Development: Gender and Intersectionality 6
ARTS2757 Ancient Greek Philosophy 6
ARTS2781 Britain, Europe and the World Since 1945: From Empire to Brexit 6
ARTS2785 Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945 6
ARTS2813 International Security: Dilemmas and Debates in Contemporary Global Politics 6
ARTS2815 Politics and Security in the Indo-Pacific 6
ARTS2816 Who Gets What? The Global Politics of Inequality 6
ARTS2817 Diplomacy and Statecraft: Past, Present, Futures 6
ARTS2818 Australian Politics 6
ARTS2819 Globalisation and Governance 6
ARTS2820 Justice 6
ARTS2821 Colonialism: Resistance, Justice, and Transition 6
ARTS2845 Sex, Human Rights and Justice 6
ARTS2849 Popular Culture and World Politics 6
ARTS2852 Qualitative Research for Political and Social Problems 6
ARTS2870 Citizens, Action and Dissent 6
ARTS2871 Power and Powerlessness 6
ARTS2874 Culture and Emotion 6
ARTS2876 Understanding the Self 6
ARTS2877 Technologies, Culture, Society 6
ARTS2900 Global Feminisms: Competing Visions, Varying Histories 6
ARTS2904 Dressed to Kill: Dress and Identity in History 6
ARTS2906 History of Sexuality 6
ARTS2908 Sex and Power in Early Modern China and Japan 6
ARTS2909 Gender in South Asia and Southeast Asia 6
ARTS3015 Media and Arts Internship 6
ARTS3022 Narrative: The Art and Science of Storytelling 6
ARTS3023 Fiction Writing 6
ARTS3025 The Art of Nonfiction 6
ARTS3039 Jane Austen in Context 6
ARTS3040 Writing After Empire 6
ARTS3047 Adventures in Literary Theory 6
ARTS3048 Gothic Cultures: Literature and Screen 6
ARTS3049 Literary Animals, Monsters and Machines 6
ARTS3054 Coming of Age: Youth, Education, Narrative 6
ARTS3061 Screen Production III (Video Project) 6
ARTS3062 Cinematic Thinking 6
ARTS3063 Cinemas and Cultures 6
ARTS3064 Issues in Film Styles and Aesthetics 6
ARTS3065 Screen Emotions: Affect and Cinema 6
ARTS3066 Documentary and Non-Fiction Cinemas 6
ARTS3100 Science, Technology and Responsibility: Ethics and the Nuclear Age 6
ARTS3122 Working in the Performing Arts 6
ARTS3123 Solo Performance Making 6
ARTS3124 Collaborative Performance Making 6
ARTS3124 Performance Collaboration 6
ARTS3125 Experiments in Performance and Media 6
ARTS3132 Arts and Health 6
ARTS3216 Chinese Media and Communication 6
ARTS3217 History of Modern China: Contested Visions 6
ARTS3218 Japanese History: Modern Miracles and Mythologies 6
ARTS3220 Architecture and Urbanism in Asia 6
ARTS3241 Environmental Justice 6
ARTS3242 Environmental History 6
ARTS3245 Urban Environments 6
ARTS3270 Reflecting on History and Historians 6
ARTS3283 Roman Emperors: From Augustus to Nero 6
ARTS3289 Documentary Film and History 6
ARTS3290 European Empires, from Conquest to Collapse to the Present Day 6
ARTS3292 Migrants and Refugees in Australia and the World 6
ARTS3295 Understanding Nazi Germany: Origins, Structures, Explanation 6
ARTS3330 Interpreting and Translation for Advanced Language Learners 6
ARTS3360 Examining Pivotal Texts 6
ARTS3367 Philosophy of Mind and Psychology 6
ARTS3373 Topics in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Language 6
ARTS3377 Advanced Topics in Political Philosophy 6
ARTS3378 Ethics: Advanced Topics 6
ARTS3380 Advanced Topics in Social Philosophy 6
ARTS3450 Chinese 5 6
ARTS3451 Chinese 6 6
ARTS3452 Chinese 7 6
ARTS3453 Chinese 8 6
ARTS3454 Chinese English Interpreting 6
ARTS3455 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature 6
ARTS3456 Classical Chinese Literature 6
ARTS3460 Chinese English Translation 6
ARTS3463 City and Chinese Culture 6
ARTS3480 French 5 6
ARTS3481 French 6 6
ARTS3483 French with a Purpose 6
ARTS3490 Advanced French Conversation 6
ARTS3491 French Food and Society 6
ARTS3510 German 5 6
ARTS3511 German 6 6
ARTS3570 Spanish 5 6
ARTS3571 Spanish 6 6
ARTS3574 Fantasy, Love, and Violence in Spanish and Latin American Cinema 6
ARTS3574 Topics in Spanish and Latin American Cinema 6
ARTS3576 The Making of Modern Spain 6
ARTS3630 Japanese 5 6
ARTS3631 Japanese 6 6
ARTS3632 Japanese 7 6
ARTS3633 Japanese 8 6
ARTS3638 Learning Japanese through Manga and Anime 6
ARTS3640 Japan and Korea: Cultures in Conflict 6
ARTS3643 Learning Japanese through Current Issues 6
ARTS3660 Korean 5 6
ARTS3661 Korean 6 6
ARTS3662 Korean Popular Culture and Language 6
ARTS3663 Professional Korean 6
ARTS3664 Korean Translation 6
ARTS3667 Insights into Korean as a Second Language 6
ARTS3690 Language Universals and Linguistic Typology 6
ARTS3695 Urban Multilingualism 6
ARTS3750 Development, Community and Environment 6
ARTS3751 Global Development: Theory, Practice and Reflexivity 6
ARTS3751 Leadership in International Development 6
ARTS3755 Development in Practice: Project Design and Evaluation 6
ARTS3756 Current Debates in Global Development 6
ARTS3780 Contemporary Germany: History, Politics, Society 6
ARTS3783 Great, Emerging and Declining Powers in the Contemporary World 6
ARTS3786 Confronting the Past in Contemporary Europe 6
ARTS3810 Politics & International Relations: Theory and Practice 6
ARTS3810 Politics and International Relations: Theory and Practice 6
ARTS3812 Manias, Panics and Crashes: Global Political Economy in an Era of Crisis 6
ARTS3814 Australian Foreign Policy 6
ARTS3818 Global Environmental Politics 6
ARTS3819 Emerging Challenges in International Security 6
ARTS3820 How to start a revolution: activism, social movements and political change 6
ARTS3821 The Politics of Identity in the 21st Century 6
ARTS3822 Thinking Like a Social Scientist 6
ARTS3850 Security in Asia: Politics Meets Economics 6
ARTS3870 Intimacy and Relationships: Social Perspectives, Critical Questions 6
ARTS3870 Social Perspectives, Critical Questions 6
ARTS3872 Media, Culture and Power 6
ARTS3874 Culture and Human Rights 6
ARTS3885 Violence, Resistance, Change 6
ARTS3886 Crisis and the Social 6
ARTS3900 Feminist and Queer Theory: Histories and Debates 6
ARTS4100 Research Methods and Thesis Writing 6
ARTS4202 Uses of Theory: Honours (Research) 6
ARTS4247 Research Skills in the Humanities 6
ARTS4249 Advances in the Humanities 6
ARTS4266 Puzzles, Planning, and Presentation for Honours in the Social Sciences 6
ARTS4268 Methodologies in the Social Sciences: Questions and Quandaries 6
ARTS4600 Dance Studies Honours 6
ARTS4601 Dance Studies Honours 12
ARTS4602 Dance Studies Honours 18
ARTS4604 English Honours 6
ARTS4605 English Honours 12
ARTS4606 English Honours 18
ARTS4608 Film Studies Honours 6
ARTS4609 Film Studies Honours 12
ARTS4610 Film Studies Honours 18
ARTS4612 Media, Culture and Technology Honours 6
ARTS4613 Media, Culture and Technology Honours 12
ARTS4614 Media, Culture and Technology Honours 18
ARTS4616 Theatre and Performance Studies Honours 6
ARTS4617 Theatre and Performance Studies Honours 12
ARTS4618 Theatre and Performance Studies Honours 18
ARTS4620 Creative Writing Honours 6
ARTS4621 Creative Writing Honours 12
ARTS4622 Creative Writing Honours 18
ARTS4700 Environmental Humanities Honours 6
ARTS4701 Environmental Humanities Honours 12
ARTS4702 Environmental Humanities Honours 18
ARTS4704 History Honours 6
ARTS4705 History Honours 12
ARTS4706 History Honours 18
ARTS4712 Philosophy Honours 6
ARTS4713 Philosophy Honours 12
ARTS4714 Philosophy Honours 18
ARTS4810 Asian Studies Honours 6
ARTS4811 Asian Studies Honours 12
ARTS4812 Asian Studies Honours 18
ARTS4814 Chinese Studies Honours 6
ARTS4815 Chinese Studies Honours 12
ARTS4816 Chinese Studies Honours 18
ARTS4818 French Studies Honours 6
ARTS4819 French Studies Honours 12
ARTS4820 French Studies Honours 18
ARTS4822 Spanish Studies Honours 6
ARTS4823 Spanish Studies Honours 12
ARTS4824 Spanish Studies Honours 18
ARTS4826 Japanese Studies Honours 6
ARTS4827 Japanese Studies Honours 12
ARTS4828 Japanese Studies Honours 18
ARTS4830 Korean Studies Honours 6
ARTS4831 Korean Studies Honours 12
ARTS4832 Korean Studies Honours 18
ARTS4834 Linguistics Honours 6
ARTS4835 Linguistics Honours 12
ARTS4836 Linguistics Honours 18
ARTS4838 German Studies Honours 6
ARTS4839 German Studies Honours 12
ARTS4840 German Studies Honours 18
ARTS4904 European Studies Honours 6
ARTS4905 European Studies Honours 12
ARTS4906 European Studies Honours 18
ARTS4912 International Relations Honours 6
ARTS4913 International Relations Honours 12
ARTS4914 International Relations Honours 18
ARTS4916 Politics Honours 6
ARTS4917 Politics Honours 12
ARTS4918 Politics Honours 18
ARTS4920 Sociology Honours 6
ARTS4920 Sociology and Anthropology Honours 6
ARTS4921 Sociology Honours 12
ARTS4921 Sociology and Anthropology Honours 12
ARTS4922 Sociology Honours 18
ARTS4922 Sociology and Anthropology Honours 18
ARTS4924 Politics and International Relations Honours 6
ARTS4925 Politics and International Relations Honours 12
ARTS4926 Politics and International Relations Honours 18
ARTS4927 Global Development Honours 6
ARTS4928 Global Development Honours 12
ARTS4929 Global Development Honours 18
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Campus Sydney
Subject Area Arts

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability and Development 6
ARTS5100 Research Methods 6
ARTS5503 Academic Writing for the Humanities 6
ARTS5505 Personalised English Language Enhancement 6
ARTS5506 Indigenous Languages of Australia 6
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Campus Sydney
Subject Area Arts

Subject Area Listing
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ARTS5200 Intellectual Foundations and Methods of Research 6
ARTS5201 Knowledges and Ethical Practices 6
ARTS5202 Social Approaches to Researching Health and Well-Being 6
ARTS5203 Global and First Nations Studies 6
ARTS5204 Research and the Creative Arts 6
ARTS5206 Research Specialisation 6
ARTS5507 Personalised English Language Enhancement for HDR 0
ARTS8100 Master of Philosophy Thesis A 6
ARTS8101 Master of Philosophy Thesis B 12
ARTS8200 Master of Arts by Research Thesis A 6
ARTS8201 Master of Arts by Research Thesis B 12
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