The University of New South Wales
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Campus Sydney
Career Postgraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Two

Subject Area Listing
Subject Area   Offered by
ACCT Accounting School of Acctng, Audit & Tax
ACTL Actuarial Studies School of Risk & Actuarial St
AGSM Management AGSM MBA Programs
ARCH Architecture Architectural Studies Program
AVIA Aviation School of Aviation
AVIG Aviation School of Aviation
BABS Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences Sch Biotech & Biomolecular Sci
BENV Built Environment Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch
BINF Bioinformatics School of Computer Sci & Eng
BIOM Biomedical Engineering Grad. School of Biomedical Eng
BIOS Biological Science Sch Biol, Earth & Environ Sci
CDEV Career Development Div. Registrar & Deputy Princ
CEIC Chem Eng and Industrial Chemistry School of Chemical Engineering
CHEM Chemistry School of Chemistry
CHEN Chemical Engineering School of Chemical Engineering
CLIM Climate Science Faculty of Science
COMD Comparative Development Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch
COMM Commerce UNSW Business School
COMP Computer Science School of Computer Sci & Eng
CONS Construction Management Building Construction Mgt Prog
CVEN Civil and Environmental Engineering School of Civil & Env Eng
DATA Data Science Sch Mathematics & Statistics
DESN Design Next Faculty of Engineering
ECON Economics School of Economics
EDST Education School of Education
ELEC Electrical Engineering School of Elec Eng & Telco
ENGG Engineering interdisciplinary Faculty of Engineering
ENTR Entrepreneurship AGSM MBA Programs
FADA FADA Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch
FINS Finance School of Banking & Finance
FOOD Food Technology School of Chemical Engineering
GMAT Surveying and Spatial Information Systems School of Civil & Env Eng
GSOE Grad School of Engineering Grad. School of Engineering
HDAT Health Data Science School of Biomedical Sciences
HLTH Health School of Health Sciences
IEST Environmental Studies School Humanities & Languages
INFS Information Systems Sch Info Sys and Tech Mgmt
JURD Juris Doctor Faculty of Law and Justice
LAND Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture Program
LAWS Law Faculty of Law and Justice
LING Linguistics Linguistics
MANF Manufacturing Engineering School of Mech & Manf. Eng
MARK Marketing School of Marketing
MATH Mathematics Sch Mathematics & Statistics
MATS Materials Science and Engineering School of Materials Sci & Eng
MBAE Management AGSM MBA Programs
MDIA Media Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch
MECH Mechanical Engineering School of Mech & Manf. Eng
MERE Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering Minerals Energy Resources Eng
MFIN Master of Finance Courses School of Banking & Finance
MGMT Organisation and Management - Commerce & Economics School of Management & Gov'nce
MINE Mining Engineering School of Mining Engineering
MMAN Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering School of Mech & Manf. Eng
MNGT Management AGSM MBA Programs
MODL Modern Language Studies School Humanities & Languages
MSCI Marine Science Faculty of Science
MTRN Mechatronic Engineering School of Mech & Manf. Eng
OPTM Optometry Schl of Optometry & Vision Sci
PHCM Public Health and Community Medicine School of Population Health
PHSL Physiology School of Biomedical Sciences
PHTN Photonics School of Elec Eng & Telco
PHYS Physics School of Physics
PLAN Planning and Urban Development Planning & Urban Development
PLTX Practical Legal Training Program Faculty of Law and Justice
POLS Politics and International Relations School of Social Sciences
PSCY Psychiatry - PH/POW School of Clinical Medicine
PSYC Psychology School of Psychology
PTRL Petroleum Engineering School of Petroleum Eng
REST Real Estate Building Construction Mgt Prog
RISK Risk Management School of Risk&Safety Sciences
SOCF Social Work School of Social Sciences
SOCW Social Work School of Social Sciences
SOLA Photovoltaics and Solar Energy Photovoltaic Engineering
SRAP Social Research and Policy School of Social Sciences
SUSD Sustainable Development Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch
SWCH Women & Children's Health School of Clinical Medicine
TABL Taxation and Business Law School of Acctng, Audit & Tax
TELE Telecommunications School of Elec Eng & Telco
UDES Urban Development Studies Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch
VISN Vision Science Schl of Optometry & Vision Sci
YENG Arizona State University Engineering Faculty of Engineering
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