The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Thu, 19-09-2024 13:34:28 EST
Data is currently published for 2025 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Law
Career Undergraduate
Teaching Period Summer Teaching Period

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
LAWS3064 UNSW Law Journal (Executive Editor) 6
LAWS3065 UNSW Law Journal Editor 6
LAWS3086 International Law Competitive Moot 6
LAWS3183 Australian Journal of Human Rights 6
LAWS3346 Law and Technology: Comparative Perspectives (UNSW/UZH) 6
LAWS3368 The Australian Legal System in Comparative Perspective 6
LAWS3441 Law Journal (Issue Editor) 6
LAWS3445 Women and Gender Law ILS Pune 6
LAWS3510 International Commercial Mediation Competition 6
LAWS3523 Owning Creativity: Understanding Intellectual Property Law 6
LAWS3555 UNSW Law Internships 6
LAWS3777 Law Internships: Extended 6
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